Saturday, August 24, 2013

First week back is always exhausting!

I slept in until 11:30 today. I needed it. My first week back was exhausting!

We don't have AC at our school, and my classroom doesn't have windows. By my last class it was 82 degrees each day. That, plus moving around to teach, and wearing hot dress clothes, I was one sweaty teacher. I made it though, and I know my body will slowly adjust again as the weeks go on.

Every night I felt like I had all of these little things to post about but never had time or energy once I got home. We'll see what I can remember now.

Monday I took my classroom pets into school. Two red-eared slider turtles, two beta fish, a baby crayfish, and a huge pond snail. I took the pond snail in a small plastic container and set it down to go to a meeting. When I came back to set up his actual tank, I was pleasantly surprised to find lots of eggs. So it was neat already having something cool to pass around to students on the first day.

My first day went well. I got some students to drop study hall so I could have enough seats for students. Here is my final schedule and class numbers after week one. Our students have two weeks to change their schedules so it may change a bit more next week still.

  • 1st Period - Biology - 26 students
  • 2nd Period - Forensic Science - 22 students
  • 3rd Period - Biology - 19 students
  • 4th Period - Forensic Science - 10 students
  • 5th Period - Study Hall - 24 students
  • 6th Period - Biology - 26 students
  • 7th Period - Planning/Conference Period

  • So far my classes all seem to be able to listen and follow directions. 6th period was chatty and got yelled at a few times already, so I think they will be my difficult period. Friday was improvement from Wednesday though, so I think I was clear about my expectations.

    I have having 7th period planning though, I am so hot and tired by then I get very little work done. My study hall is also split with lunch in the middle. We have 27 minute lunch periods at school and I find it just way too rushed to get to the bathroom and eat. Also, having the study hall split, and so many kids asking me to sign passes to various places, I get little work done then too. It doesn't help that my computer is on a podium and I have to stand to use it. I'm needing foot surgery in December so standing when I don't have to is super annoying. I'm trying to think up a solution but nothing yet.

    We also had open house this year, something we don't normally do. It made for a long work day; I get there around 7:10am and that way I left at 8pm! I had 6 parents stop in though, which is about the same I get on a Parent-Teacher conference night.

    Well here are a few pics of my classroom from the first week.

    I also decided to make a photo collage on Snapfish to hang up this year. I haven't really had personal photos posted in the past, but with so many of my teacher friends gone this year to new jobs, I decided I needed to see some friendly faces somehow.

    Also, my study hall activity boxes full of toys were a huge hit! My study hall students were quiet and entertained each day! Some of them are really good at the puzzles, way better than me. They love the silly putty too, very stress-relieving I think!

    Here is a picture of all my papers ready to pass out on the first day. I hate using so much paper, but I do it anyways. Really can't be avoided because our school lacks technology and Wi-Fi.

    Lastly, I stayed late one night and put up a new Bulletin Board for our Bully Prevention Program. It isn't too fancy, but at least something new for the kids to see in the hall. Once we start our activities I will have more to post.

    Well, my weekend is going to be busy with school work. I have papers to grade already and lesson plans to prepare for next week. Having new subjects to teach, I totally feel like a first year teacher all over again! I will be so happy when next summer arrives. Yes, I am already thinking about summer... and snow days. Lol.

    Hope you all had a great first week and I wish you a fantastic school year!

    1 comment:

    1. I hope you get some good rest this weekend!! :)

      I hope your 6th period class gets better at being less chatty too! I'd hate having my planning period right at the end of the day too.

      I absolutely love your classroom pictures! The bullying sign is really well done too :)
