Monday, September 30, 2013

Microscope Hair Lab, SLOs, and Stress!

It has been such a busy year so far. I can't believe our first six week grading period ends this Friday already!

Teaching has been challenging lately. I am having a harder time keeping up with all of the grading that comes with having way more students than years' past. I'm also having a hard time keeping up with the demand of planning new courses. I'm managing, but always feel so tired and overworked. Yesterday I did school work for 8 hours and barely scratched the surface. I feel like my administrators are clueless as to how long it takes to plan a quality course from scratch. I also am frustrated with no budget besides a few lab fees.

To add to the stress, I am on a lot of committees at school and have been 'meetinged to death' lately.

Oh, enough of my whine session, onto some happier shares....

My forensics class did their next lab all about hair evidence. The really seemed to like it, especially getting to burn their hair and look at it under a microscope. The lab dragged a little longer than it needed to though so next year I may shorten it a tad bit. Here are some photos from the lab...

I try to stay organized. Here is my room set up showing some of the material stations and work stations.

Students lighting a strand of hair on fire.

Burnt hair under the microscope.

Casting made of the hair cuticle scale pattern using clear nail polish.

Human hair.

Deer Hair.

I've uploaded both of my Forensics Labs to my TeachersPayTeachers store if this looks like something you want to try with your students.

Tomorrow I attend SLO training for the first time. I really hate having to jump through hoops for politicians who don't think we do our jobs. My students take two standardized tests already- the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) and the ACT End of Course Exam. I find it silly they want to give teachers more work, and students another round of assessments. Hopefully the PD with be good, but from feedback from colleagues who already went, it may be more stress than it is help. Guess I will find out soon enough! Have a great week!

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