Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First crime scene lab in Forensics

Wow, it is the 4th week of school already. Time flies!

My biology classes had their first test yesterday and did very well. My forensics class is already on Chapter 2 and today we started our first crime scene lab- documenting a crime scene. I set up various evidence in a classroom down the hall (it isn't being used this year since we cut our Industrial Tech program when our levies failed last year). The kids seemed really into the lab, and seemed to like the ID tags I made them (see my last post). I bought lanyards to hang them on and they turned out great!

I stayed after school yesterday and set up the crime scene. It took me a while to think up a scenario then plot it all out. My larger forensics class has 22 students so I needed to have enough evidence for all students to have something to observe at the same time. I gave them each a Detective kit with a compass (to indicate north on their sketch), a ruler to photograph with evidence, a measuring tape to measure from evidence to two fixed points in room, forceps to collect evidence, and a magnify glass to look at trace evidence. Today they made observations, did their rough sketch, and started to measure and log all evidence. Tomorrow they are going to finish up all of that and collect evidence (hair from the scene, and a control hair sample from our victim- we will use this in our next chapter all about hair as evidence). They will also need to discuss with their partner and try to reconstruct the scene and determine what happened. I left a lot of little clues as to the suspects' name, appearance, clothing, etc. so we will see who picks up on it all. I left a few pieces of evidence students overlooked today, so we'll see if they find it tomorrow. If not, it will be a lesson to search better next time. :)

Overall, the lab is already a success. Students are engaged and learning while having fun! Lots of teachers were stopping by too, so I know word was spreading. Here are some pics... I tried to avoid kids' faces so I could post here for my teacher friends to see :)

Lastly, my classroom pet clam is doing well. Here is a good view of his siphons on top. He also moves around his tank way more than I expected, every day I find him in a new location!

Well time for me to go relax a little before I grade papers. It was 95 degrees in Ohio today and my classroom was equally hot. I'm exhausted. I know it is only Tuesday but I already feel ready for the weekend!

Have a great week!!

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