Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Wow, what a school year! I managed teaching two new electives this year, in addition to my normal biology class, and not only survived but did well! I got a lot of great feedback from students, parents, and staff, and I'm excited to continue planning and making the courses even better! But I did work my tail off so I am also very excited for summer and to relax!

Today was my first official day of summer break, but I didn't start relaxing just yet. I decided to sign up for 2 weeks of classes to earn some credit hours towards my next raise (likely still another year or two away). This morning's class was about education sites on Weebly. I learned how to make a Weebly page; it was actually very easy. Right now my class webpage is on Google Sites but if I have time this summer I might switch things over. I think Weebly has more features I could take advantage of.

Tonight I am headed to the Akron Zoo for our monthly volunteer meeting, followed by a volunteer picnic. I also joined the Boo at the Zoo committee and have a meeting for that as well, so it is going to be a busy night! That is ok though, it is probably good I am starting off summer with some plans so I don't get too lazy and out of my routine.

July will be my month for travel. I am going to San Diego for a Teacher Conservation Workshop (read about it in my previous post) and am also going on a family trip to Chicago. In Chicago I am excited to check out the zoos and aquarium.

Summer will likely go very fast, doesn't it always though? August is always spend preparing for the new school year so really there isn't as much free time as many think.

Anyways, I love hearing how teachers spend their summer so feel free to comment with your plans!

Have a great one!

^ After checking out other teacher blogs I decided to add my own signature line :)

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